Posts Tagged ‘garden’

In the garden

We harvested our first tomato today!
Strong winds last night blew over the tomato plants and knocoked several romas off…they’re probably lost because they’re still green and small.


Starting a container garden

Vegetables and herbs naturally play an important role in eating heart-healthy. Since it’s spring, my wife and I decided to start a garden. We may be moving this summer, and we don’t have a good place for a garden in the yard, so we settled for starting our garden in a number of pots. Our goodies include: a roma tomato plant that Holly will use for making sauces; a grape tomato plant; a Lipstick sweet pepper plant; a red bell pepper plant; basil; and rosemary, among others. We also got some flowers.

I’ve never done container gardening. I’ll be blogging more this spring about each of the plants, so keep checking back to see how this experiment works out.